Who We Are
The GATE Parents Group works with the San Mateo Union High School District to provide a high-quality Gifted and Talented Education Program. We are parents of GATE identified students from the six comprehensive high schools in the district.
What We Do
- FUND innovative activities at the teacher, school and district level.
- Encourage and sponsor EDUCATION for students, parents and professional staff.
- Provide ENRICHMENT courses to students in the District with priority given to GATE identified students.
- ADVOCATE for the GATE Program and the students and parents of the program.
- Promote COMMUNICATION with the SMUHSD and among students, parents and professional staff.
We are members of the California Association for the Gifted.
| What's New? |
| There is no relevant upcoming news to display here at this time. Check back with us in the future to see what\'s going on at GatePG. |