Waitlist Policy Sometimes we will hold back the last few registrations in each class to be filled from a waitlist. Also sometimes, a student will ask to drop from a class at the last moment. These spots are filled from the waitlist. The held back spots give us the opportunity to correct mistakes that we made during the registration cycle. The waitlist is NOT a "first come - first served" procedure. We give priority to GATE students, seniors and students who had registered for earlier sessions and had postponed their registration. The GATE Parents Group is an all volunteer non-profit organization. As such, the volunteers cannot make exceptions to these policies.
To get on the Waitlist
Even though a class is "Full", we will continue to take registrations onto a Waitlist. No payment is required. Go to Classes and use the to select the class of interest and click on "Enroll" in the bottom right hand corner. Your registration will be placed on the wait list. |